Some slides from past courses I've taught.
In the links above are just the bigger chunks i.e. lecture material. Additionally there exists a large number of exercise pdf's,
supplementary material like symbolic computation notebooks (in Mathematica and Maxima) etc.
The undergraduate material is mostly in Finnish, graduate in English.
For a complete list of courses and their materials, send me a note.
- Kompleksianalyysi (Complex variables), pdf0, pdf1, pdf2, pdf3.
- Lineaarialgebra ja differentiaaliyhtälöt (Linear algebra and differential equations), pdf0, pdf1, pdf2, pdf3, pdf4, pdf5.
- Sovellettu Todennäköisyyslaskenta (Applied probability and Statistics), pdf0, pdf1, pdf2, pdf3, pdf4, pdf5, pdf6, pdf7.
- Matematiikan peruskurssi (Advanced Calculus), pdf0, pdf1, pdf2, pdf3, pdf4, pdf5.
- Lectures in Symbolic Dynamics, pdf.
In the links above are just the bigger chunks i.e. lecture material. Additionally there exists a large number of exercise pdf's,
supplementary material like symbolic computation notebooks (in Mathematica and Maxima) etc.
The undergraduate material is mostly in Finnish, graduate in English.
For a complete list of courses and their materials, send me a note.